Thom S.: Theater date!
Thom S.: So we start ballet today, probably the most excited she's been for anything.
Thom S.: Mt St Helens and Mt Adams. Rainier is back there too.
Thom S.: I have heard exactly two songs from this band called Thanks, and they are frickin' awesome! #opbstagepass
Thom S.: Makin' trails.
Thom S.: Depending on your perspective, this is either awful or endearing. Either way, it's plaster.
Thom S.: Just woke up from a nap. Walked out to find this, so now I have to do it all over again.
Thom S.: Lovely day for a ride in Washington.
Thom S.: Fairy tales and funny voices.
Thom S.: Sea lions at Willamette Falls. Who knew?
Thom S.: Gravel and sunshine over the weekend.
Thom S.: Followed some random canal "road" by bike up to Smith Rock. Tailwind, slightly downhill, sunny, not too chilly, just enough adventure for vacation.
Thom S.: Oregon, you are ridiculous.
Thom S.: I smashed my pinky during cyclocross season, and have lost a little circulation in it. I finally went to see the doctor, and they ordered this x-ray. I guess everything will be A-OK.
Thom S.: Tubeless tire sealant eventually will dry out, and it makes the most fascinating structures when it does.
Thom S.: Telltale sign of a ride gone awry.
Thom S.: Source material.
Thom S.: Postcard for my mom. #spoilers
Thom S.: I think the Jamaican bobsled team copied the @teamoregonracing cyclocross kit.
Thom S.: Current status is zzzzzzzzzzz.
Thom S.: Riding sideways in Forest Park today. We barely did 2 miles in an hour — do not recommend. The beer afterward was well-earned however.
Thom S.: Fuck yeah, @teamoregonracing #teammeeting
Thom S.: In honor of this past weekend's trip to the coast, I chose shells for my watercolor class project.
Thom S.: Sand castles and sunshine.
Thom S.: Practice tree. #nofilter #watercolor
Thom S.: Yesterday.
Thom S.: "OK, blow your nose, Bear!"
Thom S.: "A baby doll."
Thom S.: "Why are we going so slow? Let's go FAST!"
Thom S.: Papa and his Lolo.