In Memoriam: macfudge1UK: Male bullfinch on green!
Hawkeye2011: Large Skipper
Barry & Carole Bowden: Black- tailed Godwit (Carole's)
Allan Drewitt: White-throated Dipper Cinclus cinclus, Feshiebridge Highlands
JosBar: Felosa-comum | Phylloscopus collybita | Common chiffchaff
coachmanphotos: Return of the Crested Tit
muppet1970: Sedge Warbler
birdtracker: Sandeels
Eddie The Bugman: ~You Lookin' At Me~
Ashleyswan88: Bee macro
mick cooke: a morning with the voles
PETEJLB: Reed Warbler
PETEJLB: Sedge Warbler
Richard Nicoll: Marsh Harrier (Circus aeruginosus) female landing
Steve's Wildlife Photography: Nightingale (Luscinia megarhynchos)
johnrm2013: Red Kite
Ashleyswan88: Lynmouth
Highland Andy (Andy Howard): Gannet (Morus bassanus) 2028
normanwest4tography: Lesser Redpoll - Carduelis carbaret
baxster5117: female kestrel.
William 66: Swallow.
davy ren2: Long eared owl
foxylady29 Carole Fox: Barn owl and kestrel
Richo14: Peregrine Falcon
birdtracker: Goldcrest