TedHobgood: https://t.co/S97cOMdulJ #comicpanels
TedHobgood: Yeah; her expression definitely says, more than anything, "agog." #comicpanels #comicads https://t.co/ULZuNPnUaX
TedHobgood: So true. Coca-Cola is quite distracting. #comicpanels #comicads #pepsiblecch https://t.co/OTqEuyEVg0
TedHobgood: Sigh. #comicpanels #comicads https://t.co/AK2bVyNtVU
TedHobgood: Somebody get this miscreant in front of Harvey Birdman, Attorney At Law!!! #comicpanels #comicads https://t.co/j33rgFtS0G
TedHobgood: Very nice of them to be so inclusive to those with Synesthesia. #comicpanels #comicads https://t.co/lTTKWdsthA
TedHobgood: "Sounds great, Janet! I'll pick you up at 6:30. What's your address?" "I LIVE AT THE MALL." #comicpanels https://t.co/XgCZ0i2KNr
TedHobgood: I'm not sure that putting those giant signs over their heads is legal. #comicpanels https://t.co/zSXKRNhC4q
TedHobgood: A normal day for the young Wise Guys…in a half-naked old man's bathroom, talking about tattoos. #comicpanels https://t.co/ncBymDbv7q
TedHobgood: From now on, Daredevil will always reply in song. #comicpanels https://t.co/AlQ7mfw440
TedHobgood: BELIEVE IT…or don't. #whatever #comicpanels https://t.co/a5MeUfcajG
TedHobgood: You know the mission is a real success if you've made the school board humiliate themselves. #comicpanels https://t.co/CkfaDPeiHy
TedHobgood: Some of these ads just aren't kid-friendly. #comicpanels #comicads https://t.co/P6t5tAyAye
TedHobgood: I…I have NO idea what they're trying to say here. #comicpanels https://t.co/NVnyclPFd9
TedHobgood: Gee…your clothes sure are wet, boys… #comicpanels https://t.co/GPQItKXUep
TedHobgood: CREEPER ALERT. #comicpanels https://t.co/xVdhzSl14R
TedHobgood: A very odd cover for Daredevil 57. #comicpanels https://t.co/AYUy0MoAkf
TedHobgood: Tuesday is Blue Night. #comicpanels #comicads https://t.co/K9kklPbtiF
TedHobgood: Prose. #comicpanels https://t.co/qikT2ZXzMi
TedHobgood: SIXTY DOLLARS?!? Outrageous. They better be some muthafakkin Air Jordans! #comicpanels https://t.co/TeU1FLR2Lh
TedHobgood: Excellent question. #comicpanels https://t.co/9Hg9TBjvwx
TedHobgood: Sadly, we never heard the whole anecdote. Sounds like a real knee-slapper, tho. #comicpanels https://t.co/W1Q8WRXZMs
TedHobgood: I'm likin' the cut of this guy's maniacal jib. #comicpanels https://t.co/UrUblXmZ27
TedHobgood: And then ol' Ned mopped the floor with Pee-Wee. #comicpanels https://t.co/hkjoBVaNYa
TedHobgood: Waitaminnit; the WHAT now? #comicpanels https://t.co/Z5I5YSqkOt
TedHobgood: The kids are having fun…and then Daredevil shows up like a bucket of cold water. #comicpanels https://t.co/ySMaWCoRHK
TedHobgood: Better in-story shot of the weird gorilla suit from the cover. #comicpanels https://t.co/d1WeBz9rY0
TedHobgood: Daredevil 56. This may be a struggle. #comicpanels https://t.co/qqWONjU2QP
TedHobgood: Gone and Forgotten is a great blog with amusing panels (like my #comicpanels here on Twitter!) & has great commentary on crap comic stories.
TedHobgood: That is a surprisingly racy ad for a kid's comic in 1949! #comicpanels #comicads https://t.co/4al9J8wMM8