thismonkeysgone2heaven...: 21534_434977825553_728575553_10784060_2658522_n
thismonkeysgone2heaven...: In a crooked little town, they were lost and never found
thismonkeysgone2heaven...: i wont do what u tell me.
thismonkeysgone2heaven...: lealing like a?
thismonkeysgone2heaven...: i felt the rain down in.
thismonkeysgone2heaven...: sensitive to the light
thismonkeysgone2heaven...: escape artists never die
thismonkeysgone2heaven...: this is not a love song
thismonkeysgone2heaven...: dont fear the reaper
thismonkeysgone2heaven...: so much hate for the one you love
thismonkeysgone2heaven...: sell your kids for food.