`★Tia: Happy Valentine's day❤️
`★Tia: Gem of Heaven ❤️ Sissi
`★Tia: DP9 dolls arrived at last!!
`★Tia: My 3 babies from Monster House!
`★Tia: Tin man Lea & Aladdin Cookie*
`★Tia: Mother's Day 2014❤
`★Tia: Bambi home :)
`★Tia: My little Sophie❤
`★Tia: Trio ready to go spa :)
`★Tia: Still no name :(
`★Tia: til finally there's nothing left.
`★Tia: Years go by will I still be waiting.
`★Tia: Little Plum..!
`★Tia: ★ Hello to 2013 ★
`★Tia: My most beloved one<3
`★Tia: Can't believe we are out to breathe! :o
`★Tia: Little Crystal is so fragile.
`★Tia: Crystal in Kiddy :]
`★Tia: ♥ ♥ ♥ YongSeo couple ♥ ♥ ♥ Now & Forever
`★Tia: Ninja's sweetness
`★Tia: Pufferfish ✿ saying Hi to everyone!
`★Tia: Pufferfish is a bit shy as a girl ;p
`★Tia: Pufferfish as a little girl ♥
`★Tia: "Mum, can I fly like a bird?"
`★Tia: Pufferfish as a good little boy!