Sophie Bedard: DSC_1384
Sophie Bedard: DSC_1383
Sophie Bedard: DSC_1315
Sophie Bedard: DSC_1337
brookeshaden: "apparition" editing video
✿ Triin Q: 💚 Today I wanted to talk about one of the most memorable literary characters in 2019. #auntLydia first made an appearance in #MargaretAtwood's novel The Handmaid’s Tale and was portrayed as a villain. In #thetestaments her intentions become cl
✿ Triin Q: “Like most uneducated Englishwomen, I like reading - I like reading books in the bulk.” Virginia Woolf, A Room of One's Own Happy #woolfwednesday for tomorrow! Here I am sitting in front of the house #VirginiaWoolf used to own and reading All Passion Spen
brookeshaden: smallness
Philippe Maraud: Thailande - James Bon Tour
Studio Neko: Internet Love
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Franck.Robinet: Fire and Ice [Explored]
StephenReed: Tap, Sparkling, or Holy?
socalgal_64: Fog Day Afternoon
emma.burlet: Eiffel Tower Project
Vincent_Ting: Dawn at Sun Moon Lake 日月潭
justbelightful: Seljalandsfoss