thirdeyesurfer: Yup, I'm still thinking of being lost sans mobile telephony in Hong Kong.
thirdeyesurfer: Beer hunting
thirdeyesurfer: Pleasing folks by paranthas
thirdeyesurfer: Diwali must be in the air
thirdeyesurfer: Nicotine
thirdeyesurfer: Carry toys if you're bringing your kid along to an art gallery. Not.
thirdeyesurfer: Reading break at work
thirdeyesurfer: The text message never arrived
thirdeyesurfer: My favourite moment of Delhi Queer Pride 2012
thirdeyesurfer: Get busy laughing, food is yet to arrive
thirdeyesurfer: The best night of my life
thirdeyesurfer: Marry me, Andrew Bird
thirdeyesurfer: Woo, hello there, Eiffel.
thirdeyesurfer: We love you, Oscar Wilde.
thirdeyesurfer: Territorial kid at Musée du Louvre
thirdeyesurfer: Shiny views from Petit Palais
thirdeyesurfer: Hello, Arc de Triomphe
thirdeyesurfer: Being dead isn't all that bad
thirdeyesurfer: Chatting over wine
thirdeyesurfer: Lunch makes us happy
thirdeyesurfer: My love's another kind, from the first morning light
thirdeyesurfer: Loch Ness, sigh
thirdeyesurfer: The Queen holidays here
thirdeyesurfer: Edinburgh
thirdeyesurfer: Song cue - Trains
thirdeyesurfer: Postcards from the Highlands
thirdeyesurfer: Fifteenth Century Bookshop
thirdeyesurfer: Monologue by the bar
thirdeyesurfer: Knock at the prettier door