jcyeh0396: _DSF1387
h329: Reflection
h329: Window watching
h329: By the window
h329: Under the lamp
ken_davis: Anglesey - 1985-6 - Bryn Celli Ddu
ken_davis: Anglesey - 1985-6 - Marquiss of Anglesey Column - The Britannia Bridge
h329: Looking up
koen_jacobs: Reflections of the way life used to be
h329: In the bedroom
h329: Dozing on the desk
h329: Bird watching..
h329: Looking up
h329: Rolling on the desk
張譯云 (張小譯): 匿。曖_80
h329: Hana in B&W
張譯云 (張小譯): 形同。墨攝_#27
張譯云 (張小譯): 北國。吹雪~#90
張譯云 (張小譯): 台灣行板_30
張譯云 (張小譯): 靈魂の窗~~#46
May-margy: F_MG_5880-1-BW-Canon 6DII-Canon 16-35mm-May Lee 廖藹淳
moaan: The End of Autumn
jfraile (OFF/ON slowly): Fantasia, 2018
Giuseppe Cocchieri: _DSC7865-1
Wennie Guo: 斗南車站