thinkpublic: Ambulatory Emergency Care
thinkpublic: On the ward
thinkpublic: Photographic workshop with staff
thinkpublic: Staff routines
thinkpublic: Working with staff
thinkpublic: Talking to patients
thinkpublic: Typical waiting area
thinkpublic: Workshop observations - confusing signage to AEC
thinkpublic: Workshop observations - thank you board makes staff feel appreciated
thinkpublic: Workshop observations - staff are proud to have their own department
thinkpublic: Workshop observations - chairs rather than beds on the ward make patients feel better
thinkpublic: Workshop observations - gaps in signage
thinkpublic: Workshop observation - work stations in annoying place
thinkpublic: Workshop observations - offering patients a cup of tea helps them feel 'normal'
thinkpublic: Workshop mapping elements of the service that work well and those that need improving
thinkpublic: Workshop mapping elements of the service that work well and those that need improving
thinkpublic: Positive - staff team
thinkpublic: Negative - staff room is overlooked
thinkpublic: Second stage co-design workshops
thinkpublic: Learnings from the workshop
thinkpublic: Learnings from the workshop
thinkpublic: Learnings from the workshop
thinkpublic: Learnings from the workshop
thinkpublic: Learnings from the workshop
thinkpublic: Mocking up paper based prototypes
thinkpublic: Running live SMS prototype
thinkpublic: Running waiting board 'menu' prototype
thinkpublic: Adapting and changing prototypes
thinkpublic: SMS service handsets
thinkpublic: Testing with patients