thinkleft: It was a massacre...
thinkleft: Bitfactory grand opening.
thinkleft: Getting ready for the grand opening
thinkleft: Almost ready for the opening party at #bitfactory
thinkleft: Half an hour to go. #grandopening #bitfactory
thinkleft: Flower #bitfactory
thinkleft: Designstudio / champagne room.
thinkleft: Designstudio / champagne room.
thinkleft: My computer + logo + window.
thinkleft: Designstudio / champagnebar.
thinkleft: #bitfactory team is ready to party!
thinkleft: Daphne & rudi @ #bitfactory party.
thinkleft: Daphne & rudi @ #bitfactory party.
thinkleft: Barman Bart @ #bitfactory party.
thinkleft: Welcome @ #bitfactory
thinkleft: Broodnodig #bitfactory party.
thinkleft: No party on this floor. But looking nice. =) #bitfactory
thinkleft: Basement inc. Fussball table, pool and small cinema. Wanne play? #bitfactory
thinkleft: First guests arrived & getting a nice welcome drink. #bitfactory
thinkleft: Wii & atari 2600 @ basement #bitfactory
thinkleft: Even boven een kijkje nemen.
thinkleft: Ook in de tuin is het gezellig. boffen met het lekkere weer! #bitfactory
thinkleft: Prosecco gaat hard. Maar nog volop over.
thinkleft: Balcony at the back. Excellent smoking spot.
thinkleft: "bambam"Leroy chatting in the hallway. #bitfactory
thinkleft: The #bitfactory twitterwall.