TEDxLex: TEDxLEX_Jose Castillo
Joel Carillet: Cuban and American flags in Havana
TaraSwiger: The happiest way to start the weekend! Happy Friday! #yaysummer #inbox0
Neikirk Image: BHC 062814 Brewery 04
alexdecarvalho: "The effect you have on others is the most valuable currency there is. Risk being seen in all of your glory" ~Jim Carrey
bandwagonradio: Bandwagon WEE WEE!
Austin Moody: Bandwagon Radio on my nano
Joel Carillet: Orthodox monk at entrance to tomb of Jesus
ETSU Appalachian Photographs: No Swearing in the Barbershop
ETSU Appalachian Photographs: Model Mill Flour & Meal.
stevegarfield: Google+ Hangouts
Eric McCarty: WillThisFloat 2011
stevegarfield: ThinkJose Podcast
andycarvin: Those Wacky Vloggers
U.S. National Archives: A.D.T. boy, 13 years old. 1 1/2 years at it. Works from noon till 10:30 P.M. Said he carries notes, etc. Burlington, Vt, September 1910
U.S. National Archives: S. J. Barley, Rural Route #2, LaFollette, Tennessee, November 1933
U.S. National Archives: An old silk-worker (now unable to work) living on earnings of a roomer, March 1937
The Library of Congress: [The Buckstone, Forest of Dean, England] (LOC)
outlawjesco: Sparks Plaza
angoconnor69: JELLOVILLE FALL 09 066
Eric McCarty: WillThisFloat 2011
TED Conference: MB1_3309
TED Conference: MB2_9307
Neikirk Image: Train 02
gpiper: Bill points out that Grace is a Social Object
angoconnor69: ben and jose
stevegarfield: I am a social object
Bill Cammack: SNV35599cc.jpg
gpiper: ThinkJose Meetup