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albums of Wilfried Martens Centre for European Studies
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ThinkIn 2024 - Munich
TTTC 2023
European Ideas Forum 2023
Think-In 2023
Net@Work 2023
EIF 2022
Think-in 2022, Borovets
N@W 2021
EIF 2021
EIF 2020
Net@Work 2019
Think-in 2019, Prague
Economic Ideas Forum 2019, Nicosia
General Assembly, anniversary meeting, October 2017
Think-in 2017
Where there’s a will there’s a way: game changers in European defence
General Assembly April 2017
TTTC17 and Sideline programme EPP Congress, Malta
From lab to law: Advocacy and the impact of think tanks in EU policy making
Game of trolls: Turning Words into Weapons
Economic Ideas Forum, Brussels 2015
Martens Centre sideline events, EPP 2015 Congress Madrid
Think-In 2015
5th Transatlantic Think Tank Conference
Assessing the Parliamentary Elections: Has Euromaidan Transformed the Ukrainian Political Landscape?
Economic Ideas Forum 2014 Bratislava
The European Agenda under the Italian EU Presidency
Setting the policy priorities for the next 5 years
Alexander Stubb visit and post-European election debate
The results of the European Parliament elections and the EU Agenda for the next five years
The Presidential Elections in Ukraine
From Reform to Growth: The Post-Crisis EU Economy
Young People Bridging the Gap
Events at the EPP Congress in Dublin
Getting Georgia Right
The Messages from Kiev’s Euromaidan for Brussels
The Future of EU-Armenia Relations: What’s next?
Ukraine: Back to the Past or Forward to the Future with Europe?
From Reform to Growth Book Launch
4th Transatlantic Think Tank Conference
Supporting energy security in Europe and in Italy
Economic Ideas Forum 2013, Helsinki
Green and Secure: How to Tackle Flexibility Challenges in an Integrated EU Power Market?
International Visitors Programme 2012, Bucharest
Transatlantic Think Tank Conference 2012 (Public Panels)
Transatlantic Think Tank Conference 2012 (Closed doors workshops)
CES Academy
Springeneration: A Platform for Partnership & Dialogue between Europe & the Arab World
Economic Ideas Forum Dublin 2012
Building Climate Changes Institutions
CES_IRI_2nd Transatlantic Center-Right Think Tank Conference
CES Executive Board & General Assembly Meeting 02/05/2011
KKID: Wilfried Martens' book presentation
ZHDZ: Croatia in the EU
CES Author's Dinner: Timothy Garton Ash (24/03/2011)
2009 International Visitors Program Warsaw
2009 Bonn Congress
Tell Barroso 2009
Freedom in the Days of the Internet Madrid Launch
Maart Laar Book Launch
Economic Ideas Forum Madrid 2010
Freedom in the Days of the Internet
Transatlantic Think Tank Forum