cp.writer: Save.
cp.writer: pain doesn't need to be painful
cp.writer: love takes time.
cp.writer: really.
cp.writer: three sides to every story.
cp.writer: you da best!
cp.writer: make work play.
cp.writer: happy Valentine's Day <3
cp.writer: keep on keeping on.
cp.writer: achoo!
cp.writer: days make the year.
cp.writer: #752
cp.writer: the summit
cp.writer: stay with the truth
cp.writer: i <3 Japan
cp.writer: lucky heights, singapore.
cp.writer: never stop learning.
cp.writer: nanson road, singapore.
cp.writer: focus on the work.
cp.writer: playfair road, singapore.
cp.writer: the greatest gift.
cp.writer: river valley, singapore.
cp.writer: focus on the positive.
cp.writer: marigold drive, singapore
cp.writer: you're the captain of your own ship.
cp.writer: summit, singapore.
cp.writer: prove the critics wrong.
cp.writer: kallang, singapore.
cp.writer: friends = love
cp.writer: dempsey hill.