look to see: +38°C ; is that warm ? : yes that's warm !
laurent fiol: Duo d'Ascalaphe
laurent fiol: " Rêv'ailes (2) "
look to see: Weidebeekjuffer.(Calopterix splendens)
Siegfried Tremel: Sesiidae II
das-f: - Cephalanthera rubra -
laurent fiol: Calo-fire
nandOOnline: With an audience v2
Sandra Bartocha: summer at the sea
nigel kiteley2011: Dusky Heath - Coenonympha dorus.
didin21: P7060106
didin21: P7090798
Wim Boon Fotografie: Tweekleurig hooibeestje - Pearly heath (Coenonympha arcania)
Wim Boon Fotografie: Dwergblauwtje - Small blue (Cupido minimus)
look to see: Kwikstaart met oeverlibel
nigel kiteley2011: Pearl Bordered Fritillary
look to see: Early morning light (seen trough Helios-40)
DominiekC: 20160519DC076
DominiekC: 20160603DC035
DominiekC: 20160603DC034
andreafrassinetti: Melitaea cinxia
Simon Jan: Orange tip
Wim Boon Fotografie: Boswitje - Wood White
Wim Boon Fotografie: Icarusblauwtje - Common blue (Polyommatus icarus)
Sandra Bartocha: quintessential summer
HM Wildlife: Spotted Fritillary - Melitaea didyma
look to see: Het echte geluk bestaat nog.Real luck is still existing.
look to see: blue angel.
look to see: Air-attack.
look to see: Kleine parelmoervlinder .(Issoria lathonia)