thezembo: Scooter
thezembo: A home
thezembo: Greenery scenery
thezembo: Piggyback
thezembo: Towers
thezembo: Light and shadows
thezembo: From above
thezembo: The family
thezembo: Nectar
thezembo: Camouflaged clock
thezembo: Vines
thezembo: San Gimignano
thezembo: The end of the line
thezembo: Elaborate masonry
thezembo: Keeping time
thezembo: Vaulted ceilings
thezembo: Rememberance
thezembo: The beautiful dome at the Florence cathedral
thezembo: The top of the dome
thezembo: Philosophy
thezembo: Flight
thezembo: il Campanile
thezembo: Looking down from the bell tower
thezembo: Old Urban
thezembo: Florentine Cathedral
thezembo: Lions at the museum
thezembo: Love locks
thezembo: Arno river walkway
thezembo: A silly police car
thezembo: Scooters