thezembo: hudson valley
thezembo: fire tower
thezembo: molten iron
thezembo: beacon falls (detail)
thezembo: watching the metal
thezembo: passing by
thezembo: all in a line
thezembo: running around the office
thezembo: Mark di Suvero's "Pyramidian"
thezembo: courthouse butte | big bell rock
thezembo: sunset contours
thezembo: floral print
thezembo: scars
thezembo: clouded valley
thezembo: rendevous
thezembo: field
thezembo: trunk + branch
thezembo: storm king
thezembo: foggy rooftop
thezembo: west end
thezembo: shards of light
thezembo: umbrella
thezembo: looming storm
thezembo: down the stairs
thezembo: little red lighthouse
thezembo: manhattan, from the north
thezembo: barrier
thezembo: patch of sun
thezembo: suspension