thezembo: Stairs
thezembo: A wall in the mess hall
thezembo: Vinyl
thezembo: Passages
thezembo: Some played sports, WE drank imports
thezembo: Bench
thezembo: Interfaith Chapel... crumbling away
thezembo: the Chapel's kitchen
thezembo: Panels
thezembo: C Ward
thezembo: Leaky Ceiling
thezembo: Kline Hall
thezembo: nurses' quarters
thezembo: spider
thezembo: bushwackin'
thezembo: path
thezembo: water tower
thezembo: Graffiti on the garage
thezembo: Claws
thezembo: Overgrown Field
thezembo: On the road to Met State
thezembo: Weeds in the field
thezembo: Purple
thezembo: Medical Building
thezembo: Factory Field
thezembo: Courtyard
thezembo: Rubble
thezembo: Factory Ruins
thezembo: Inside of Met State
thezembo: Dirt jumps