thezembo: Goose in the middle
thezembo: Ducks
thezembo: Leaves
thezembo: Goose, again
thezembo: Squirrel
thezembo: IMG_2767
thezembo: IMG_2761
thezembo: Tree
thezembo: Cones
thezembo: What remains of the leaves
thezembo: Kendall park after a snowstorm
thezembo: Some flower
thezembo: the sun, son
thezembo: king of the pond
thezembo: light
thezembo: reflection
thezembo: bizarre tree
thezembo: this tree is the highlight of the show
thezembo: shadows
thezembo: flowers
thezembo: three arms
thezembo: greenery
thezembo: photosynthesis in action
thezembo: young plant
thezembo: path among the birches
thezembo: the bird's checkin' you out