listorama: June 29, 2007: Transition in the Beedon Motor Pool
listorama: BED SYSTEM 5: Painted equipment boxes... 20120422_3172
listorama: Nightstand... 20110519_7941
listorama: BED SYSTEM 5: Lid details... 20100826_0675
listorama: BED SYSTEM 5: Head end of plywood boxes... 20100826_0668
listorama: BED SYSTEM 5: Plywood boxes acting as a bed surface... 20100826_0657
listorama: 20100822_0633...I've been screwing around a lot lately
listorama: 20100816_0594...Plywood for the Green Weenie
listorama: Planning the cuts to a sheet of plywood... 20100805_0575
Shannoxx: Prairie Home Companion live!
purplepix: Eclipsed (a million crescents)
jenny and quannon: Whale Carcass!
purplepix: Pivots
curtm95: SunnyConf 2010
dav: Back on the road
joe.moore: Pink Unicycle Guy at Bay to Breakers - 3
giles_bowkett: group shot mwrc
khosey1: spider on mirror
joe.moore: Naked New Years NJudah
swirey: Phantom Falls
khosey1: roadrunner
joe.moore: cthulhu-esque jewelry at Half Moon Bay Pumpkin Festival - 3
khosey1: dragonfly eating damselflies
AzRedHeadedBrat: Desert Mosaic
El Soñador: La Mirada
Tempe Photo Dave: Tubing_Salt_River_radio
cakehole: washday drudgery
briantakita: img_0091