jilw: Old lady sleeping
RWYoung Images: A Corner in Kars
RWYoung Images: The Tower
jilw: Virtue at dawn
jilw: Statue Basilica Cistern
jilw: Sunken mosque
RWYoung Images: The Reader
RWYoung Images: Post Office
jilw: Abandoned house
jilw: Istanbul apartments
RWYoung Images: Memorial Hall 1925
RWYoung Images: The Rabbit Trapper's House
jilw: Basilica Cistern
jilw: Woman Surprised
RWYoung Images: Outdoor Seating
jilw: Behind the harem bars
jilw: To the Mausoleum
RWYoung Images: Clarke's Corner Store #2
RWYoung Images: Clarke's Corner Store
jilw: The Tinsmith
RWYoung Images: Main Street #2
RWYoung Images: Kow Plains Homestead
RWYoung Images: Kow Plains Homestead #2
RWYoung Images: Main Street
jilw: Rumkale
jilw: Homage to Apollo?
RWYoung Images: Ishak Pasha Palace
RWYoung Images: Renovations
RWYoung Images: An Ex Community Hall