theunabonger: My little IP test bench at work. Configuring a small Ubiquiti WiFi network for a customer. #olywa #ubiquiti #tcpip
theunabonger: Red Ford Dump Truck #olywa #olympia
theunabonger: After dinner cheese snack and cocktail. #olympia #olywa #cosmoscondo #macnaughton #macnaughty #macnaughties #cheddar
theunabonger: View from the deck. After dinner cocktail hour. #olywa #olympia #capitol #capitolbuilding #pnwforest #forest
theunabonger: Closeup of @wmspeardesign #flagonfire pin. Circa 1991. #hatpin #patriotism "whatever does not kill me makes me stronger" #wmspeardesign
theunabonger: @wmspeardesign #flagonfire pin from WM Spear Design, Juneau circa 1991. One of many spectacular WM Spear Design pins in my collection. #patriotism #phatpanda #i502
theunabonger: #gettingschwifty with #rickandmorty "I'm Mr. Bulldops!"
theunabonger: Pulled out the corned beef brisket leftover from St Padric's day and popped in the #slowcooker for four hours. #olywa #crockpot
theunabonger: Light Dinner #olywa #kingsalmon #chinook #squaxin #macnaughton
theunabonger: What a difference 10 years makes. #olywa #groovy #notgroovy #wubbalubbadubdub #highsandlows
theunabonger: Netflix and Chill with Judd Apatow series "Love" #netflixandchill #netflix #olywa #cordcutter #love
theunabonger: With so much eastern wisdom in the world, why so much bullshit in (American) Fortune cookies from Chinese Restaurants? #notafortunecookie #notafortune #platitudinousbullshit #platitude #olywa
theunabonger: We still miss you buddy. We'll always fondly remember Amsterdam, London, Haarlem (30 yaar weit festival) and all the concerts at the Gorge! Fonzie Forever, Ayyyyyyy! 👍 #OlyWa #cannabiscup #lostfriends #fuckopiates #☠️
theunabonger: #OlyWa #geekdom #haiku #misplacedquotationmarks
theunabonger: I win all the Stars! #olywa #starbucks #starbucksbingo #winner
theunabonger: Capitol Savings Building. #olywa #olympia #mistakebythelake
theunabonger: Shocking proof that Starbucks is run by G-d hating Pagan Devil Worshippers. Their so-called Easter holiday cup is just a white orb with Sun yellow surrounding it and the incantation "welcome spring!" Xtians should boycott again for a while in retaliatio
theunabonger: This goes into the "oly rock" side of the play spectrum on this Spotify station. #olywa #negativland #markhosler #spotify #dispepsia
theunabonger: Breakfast for lunch. Toasted Dave's Killer Powerseed(r) Bread with four pepper goat cheese topped with basted egg, drizzled with Olympia Olive Oil Raspberry Balsamic Vinaigrette served with accompaniment of Fried Prosciutto and a neat Canadian Whisky. #
theunabonger: #artdeco #greyhound #greyhoundbus #busstation #olywa #olympia
theunabonger: Putin's favorite band, tomorrow night in #olywa #riotgrrrl #punk #punkrawk #capitoltheater
theunabonger: I think twelve times in a row at high volume whilst driving downtown ought to satisfy my Genesis jones right now. #olywa #englishartrock #progrock #progrockwhore
theunabonger: Energy shot with activated THC (30mg) #i502 #zoots #zootblast #zootblasts #olyweed #olywa #dontdrivehigh #decarboxylated
theunabonger: #elevated #i502 #squaxin #ches
theunabonger: This "overseer" was watching me take the dogs out the other morning. #olywa #owl #owlywa
theunabonger: Fat good it does me. #olywa #harshtruth #fortunecookie #notafortune
theunabonger: Laying low. #olywa #frogger #kingsolomonsreef
theunabonger: Slab of frozen beef stroganoff/ mushroom soup placed in crockpot for today's afternoon comfort meal. #olywa #institutionalsoup #crockpot #slowcookersunday
theunabonger: Protesters on Olympia waterfront standing in solidarity with Standing Rock Sioux. #waterislife #nodapl #standwithstandingrock #olywa
theunabonger: What the eff? Not sure if I want to live anyplace that requires this for "pest control." Not sure if it is a scam, a secret camera/spy microphone or tear gas device. #olywa #pestcontrol #snakeoil