the third dream: 561228_10151562595256233_638144333_n
the third dream: 418787_10151487710962566_274562480_n
the third dream: 396112_10150518650097566_1404622797_n
the third dream: 388003_10200995450794002_165952604_n
the third dream: 601211_10150964530842566_1852007449_n
the third dream: 541987_10151316514942566_888267950_n
the third dream: 391551_10151019461562566_1912341757_n
the third dream: Inside a building!
the third dream: The most awesome staircase.
the third dream: And inside!
the third dream: The market again.
the third dream: Not totally sure.
the third dream: Lions, oh my!
the third dream: Seriously, they have the best lamps.
the third dream: Parliament from the boat.
the third dream: Coffee by the square!
the third dream: It got really quiet in there after the food was served. Everyone was focused.
the third dream: Meter-wide pizzas. It was insane.
the third dream: Don't you wish balloons were still this fun?
the third dream: Yay, the pizza party!