The Spaldings: Austin & Jack in Indy
The Spaldings: Aunt Dana & Jack in Indy
The Spaldings: Grandpa Spalding & Jack in Indy
The Spaldings: Grandpa Spalding & Jack in Indy
The Spaldings: Austin behind the lens on Sunday in Indy
The Spaldings: Austin behind the lens on Sunday in Indy
The Spaldings: Austin behind the lens on Sunday in Indy
The Spaldings: Austin behind the lens on Sunday in Indy
The Spaldings: Family pictures in Indy
The Spaldings: Family pictures in Indy
The Spaldings: Family pictures in Indy
The Spaldings: Happy Fourth of July!!
The Spaldings: Gorgeous sunset
The Spaldings: Jodi, the Dude and Pete
The Spaldings: Jodi and the Dude
The Spaldings: Jodi and Pete
The Spaldings: Friends
The Spaldings: Friends
The Spaldings: Hawaiian sunset
The Spaldings: Another Hawaiian sunset
The Spaldings: Allison at sunset
The Spaldings: Allison and Jodi
The Spaldings: Firewords
The Spaldings: Allison, Jodi and fireworks
The Spaldings: Allison and fireworks
The Spaldings: Unusual tree w/ orange leaves
The Spaldings: One Hawaiian sunset
The Spaldings: Resort pool
The Spaldings: Resort palms