stillbaking: We are expecting some new life on our balcony soon. #mommabird #nesting #spring
stillbaking: My first Mother's Day was filled with lots of tired baby cuddles after a mostly sleepless night of teething. Still, so thankful this little one made me a Mommy, finally. #EmilyRuth #rainbowbaby #firstmothersday
stillbaking: All these toys and she's playing with her diaper bag after spending many minutes pulling my bookmark from my book. #EmilyRuth #weirdobaby
stillbaking: There's nothing in the manual that says if your child chewing on the car seat's strap poses a safety hazard or not. Babies are weird. #EmilyRuth #weirdobaby #lovethiskid
stillbaking: Emmy's first May. She loves all the tulips that come out everywhere in Ottawa this month. #EmilyRuth #tulips🌷 #spring
stillbaking: On our way back home after a wonderful time in Winnipeg. #EmilyRuth #tinytraveller
stillbaking: 45 weeks and a few days late to capture a #mommydaughterweeklyselfie while enjoying the sunny summer weather in Winnipeg. #EmilyRuth #tinytraveller #myhometown
stillbaking: Somebody was super excited for her latest adventure this afternoon. Flying again, this kid has more time in planes in 10 months than I had in my first 18 years. #EmilyRuth #tinytraveller
stillbaking: The perfect day to try out her new raincoat. #EmilyRuth #parklife #littlefashionista
stillbaking: Emily celebrated her friend Kiyan's first birthday today. She had a blast at her first party 🎉 #EmilyRuth #babypartiers🎈
stillbaking: This is how all the cool kids are sitting in their strollers. #EmilyRuth #loungin
stillbaking: Emily and daddy's slippers. Which are as big or bigger than her legs. #EmilyRuth #daddybigfoot
stillbaking: We had a date night last night. Huzzah! #latergram #preacherskid #bookofmormonmusical
stillbaking: 44 weeks and we achieved the most elusive trick of transferring her from car seat to sling while keeping her asleep. #EmilyRuth #parentingwin #wearallthebabies
stillbaking: Her favourite place. #EmilyRuth #parklife
stillbaking: Oh my sweet girl, Emily, you are now 10 months old. And with every passing day you leave a little bit more of baby behind you and show us glimpses of the little kid you're becoming. You have preferences and aren't afraid to let us know them. If we bring y
stillbaking: This is how a superbaby naps on her dada. #EmilyRuth #naptime😴
stillbaking: If she's capable of taking the laundry out of the basket, is she old enough to be taught how to fold it and put it away? #EmilyRuth #laundrydestroyer
stillbaking: 43 weeks and sleepy baby cuddles are still my favourite thing. #EmilyRuth #mommydaughterweeklyselfie #sleepyhead
stillbaking: Happy Easter from little Miss enough with the photos already Mom. #EmilyRuth #happyeaster🐰
stillbaking: Easter Bunny toes. #EmilyRuth #happyeaster🐰
stillbaking: Pinterest inspired Easter treats. #happyeaster🐰
stillbaking: 42 weeks and a day late with the #mommydaughterweeklyselfie but enjoying a sunny spring day in our sunglasses. #EmilyRuth #shades😎
stillbaking: Just when I think I'm about to lose my mind because this girl wouldn't sleep last night without constantly touching mommy, and then was extra clingy this morning, she sat and played happily in her crib long enough for me to get a shower and dress for the
stillbaking: At CHEO with her first bloody nose because the child now crawls fast and pillows no longer act as barriers at bed's edge. Mommy has learned a hard lesson. #EmilyRuth #bumpsandbruises #motheroftheyearrighthere
stillbaking: Daddy showing Emmy how to make hamburgers. #EmilyRuth #littlefoodie #teachthemyoung
stillbaking: 41 weeks and we woke up like this. #EmilyRuth #thatface😍 #mommydaughterweeklyselfie
stillbaking: Emily's new bathing suit. Says size 12-24 months. I'm glad we put it on her at 9 months. #EmilyRuth #swimming
stillbaking: Emmy likes food best if it's what you're eating too so today we both get finely chopped and sautéed veggies with scrambled eggs for breakfast. #EmilyRuth #whatsforbreakfast
stillbaking: Teaching her young about civic responsibility at our riding's by election. #EmilyRuth #vote