The Resistance Image Library: It was just one of those days the closeness of humanity could be felt. #puravida
The Resistance Image Library: The venusian connection. In the gno? #astralquest
The Resistance Image Library: Where are the Ancestors now? The simple answer to your question is, they are still here. Allow me to explain. On the subjective plane you are not separate but more of a collective energy or force. Some call this "the Oversoul" or "Soul Group". These Ener
The Resistance Image Library: "They want to do the Christian thing with no research, acting like when they "serve" the lord they don't become "slaves" to the bloodlines." smh #astralquest #christmyth
The Resistance Image Library: For those asking about the #traceminerals im using these now. The best would be to build your own mineral filter with a rich soil compound, then run your water through it. More on this later.
The Resistance Image Library: The real definitions start today. #astralquest #wordsrworlds
The Resistance Image Library: Another amazing day in Costa Rica # puravida
The Resistance Image Library: The god "they" trust. #hiddenhand #chiefarchon
The Resistance Image Library: In the Gno? #therealmorpheus
The Resistance Image Library: Zodiacal Body Resistance2010
The Resistance Image Library: tumblr_lni40gWZoQ1qhqmifo1_1280
The Resistance Image Library: Serpernt on a Staff Resistance2010
The Resistance Image Library: Serpent Tree Symbolism Resistance2010
The Resistance Image Library: Saturn_Chakras_Gems_Jewels
The Resistance Image Library: RAM_Serpent_Symbol_Resistance2010
The Resistance Image Library: Pope_Serpent_Resistance2010
The Resistance Image Library: Nephite Activation Resistance2010
The Resistance Image Library: naga_serpent_bird_resistance2010
The Resistance Image Library: Man in Pentagram Resistance2010
The Resistance Image Library: Isis_Set_Black_Lion
The Resistance Image Library: Eye of Ra_Brain Cavity_Resistance2010
The Resistance Image Library: cogs_of_time_planetary_chakra_geometry_resistance2010
The Resistance Image Library: Christ Zodiacal Myth Resistance2010