NYMatt: Diver Down
NYMatt: A fisherman looking for a meal
NYMatt: Snack time :-))
NYMatt: One beautiful creature.
NYMatt: Two GBH showing who's in charge
NYMatt: No fish this time.
NYMatt: Great Blue Heron
NYMatt: How a Bald Eagle sneaks up on a fish.
NYMatt: "The Eagle and The Lion"
NYMatt: A young Great Blue Heron
NYMatt: Mrs Baldy and her sushi.
NYMatt: Residential fly by.
NYMatt: An Osprey
NYMatt: Straight down, talons first.
NYMatt: I LOVE MY NEW NIKON D7000 !!!!!
NYMatt: They're back
NYMatt: The fisherman has spotted the cameraman.
NYMatt: Mr or Mrs Bald Eagle
NYMatt: Close encounter of the eagle kind.
NYMatt: Riverside foliage at sunrise.
NYMatt: My new buddy over the river
NYMatt: 1 of 14 Osprey over the Royal river hunting for fish
NYMatt: The pre-dive posture
NYMatt: Immature Osprey enjoying the cool, calm waters of Spring Point Marina.
NYMatt: Immature Osprey practicing it's fishing skills on small bait fish.
NYMatt: Cormerant at about 7 feet away.
NYMatt: Osprey over the Prusumpscot river.
NYMatt: I can't imagine what this fish is thinking right now?