NYMatt: A fellow shooter on the beach in southern Maine. USA.
NYMatt: Springtime in Maine.
NYMatt: A REd-tailed Hawk and a pesky crow.
NYMatt: Barred Owl
NYMatt: The things we find as the winter's snow melts away.
NYMatt: Barred Owl
NYMatt: Eastern Bluebird and a whole lot of mealworms.
NYMatt: Our resident pair of breeding Eastern bluebirds letting everyone know it's their house.
NYMatt: Our resident pair of breeding Eastern bluebirds letting everyone know it's their house.
NYMatt: Snack time Bluebird
NYMatt: DSC_1300
NYMatt: Backyard Bluejay taking a break from feasting at the feeders.
NYMatt: Barred Owl
NYMatt: Nikon D500 / 200-500 5.6 with my new and first ever gimbal head.
NYMatt: Red-breasted Nuthatch
NYMatt: Crystal after a rain
NYMatt: Green Winged Teal
NYMatt: Backyard Eastern Bluebird
NYMatt: American Golgfinch
NYMatt: Bubba, lounging.
NYMatt: American Kestrel
NYMatt: Red-tailed Hawk.
NYMatt: Backyard crystalball
NYMatt: Spinning ice disc of Westbrook Maine
NYMatt: Mr Cardinal feeding on some suet.
NYMatt: Backyard Eastern Bluebird working the mealworms.
NYMatt: Big Boy Bubba.
NYMatt: It's a Bluejay
NYMatt: Our Big Boy Bubba and Little Man Jethro in the foreground. They love their 124 sq ft outdoor screen porch.
NYMatt: Snowy Owl