NYMatt: An osprey prepearing to pounce.
NYMatt: Momma Osprey
NYMatt: Presumpscot River Sunday morning hike. 3
NYMatt: The Osprey are back :-))
NYMatt: Osprey mating seies #1 of 5
NYMatt: Osprey mating seies #2
NYMatt: Osprey mating seies #3
NYMatt: Osprey mating seies #4
NYMatt: Osprey mating seies #5
NYMatt: A Osprey that's very unhappy about my presance
NYMatt: Male Osprey
NYMatt: Osprey with fish over the river at low tide
NYMatt: Red-tailed hawk and one of the 12+ Osprey feeding over the Prusumpscot River in Falmouth, Maine. USA
NYMatt: Male osprey catching TWO fish at one time SERIES.
NYMatt: Male osprey catching TWO fish at one time SERIES.
NYMatt: Male osprey catching TWO fish at one time SERIES.
NYMatt: DINNER!!!!!
NYMatt: Home to Momma
NYMatt: Floating down river with a fish in his grasp.
NYMatt: Fresh fish delivered daily.
NYMatt: One of the hunters at "The Spot"
NYMatt: One of the regulars
NYMatt: I can't imagine what this fish is thinking right now?
NYMatt: 1 of 14 Osprey over the Royal river hunting for fish
NYMatt: The pre-dive posture
NYMatt: Immature Osprey enjoying the cool, calm waters of Spring Point Marina.
NYMatt: Immature Osprey practicing it's fishing skills on small bait fish.
NYMatt: "Quit pointing that thing at me fella!!"
NYMatt: Osprey over the river in some bright early morning sun.