Theolde: Falling apart
Theolde: A place to contemplate
Theolde: The ol' sh*t house
Theolde: For how long will I contain
Theolde: Old sh*t house
Theolde: Noone to listen to the music
Theolde: R2D2's distant relative
Theolde: Rust is eating away
Theolde: Vacuum cleaner pun
Theolde: Can it be fixed
Theolde: Once the outmost luxury
Theolde: End or beginning
Theolde: Warehouse
Theolde: Thought I'd take a break
Theolde: Process Management Center
Theolde: Where is this leading to
Theolde: To be scrapped
Theolde: Will eventually be part of the ecosystem
Theolde: Electrical stuff waiting to be recycled
Theolde: Looking to reclaim what was lost
Theolde: More Rubble
Theolde: Fireextinguisher is gone
Theolde: The Old Office
Theolde: Fridges in the background
Theolde: Structure still standing
Theolde: Rubble rules
Theolde: The result of sun, wind and rain
Theolde: The Power is gone
Theolde: Weigh yor payload
Theolde: Kiselhögar