Theo the cat:
The Artist, My Artists !
Theo the cat:
Year of the Dragon / Année du dragon
Theo the cat:
Kodak, some memories
Theo the cat:
Meilleurs vœux à vous tous, les amis ! Best wishes to all of you, friends !
Theo the cat:
Lolly in the mood for loving morning sun
Theo the cat:
Summer's cat in Provence (France)
Theo the cat:
Pink tongues, pink noses
Theo the cat:
Theo the cat:
Easy the cat, shade and light of June
Theo the cat:
Theo happy in the periwinkles / Theo heureux dans les pervenches
Theo the cat:
Thoughts for Japan - 2011 March 11
Theo the cat:
My first shot of a japanese stray cat
Theo the cat:
Stray cats in Japan
Theo the cat:
My Sweet Cats
Theo the cat:
Primavera (Spring is in the air)
Theo the cat:
Snow Cats
Theo the cat:
Happy New Year from Theo's gang
Theo the cat:
Good fellows / Bons copains
Theo the cat:
Merry Christmas all of you / Joyeux Noël à tous !
Theo the cat:
Aglagla Igloo gloo
Theo the cat:
Gimme your hand... and take mine !
Theo the cat:
Best friends in the world - Les meilleurs amis du monde
Theo the cat:
Forever friends - Amis pour la vie
Theo the cat:
Lustig plays tennis as well as Federer ! (2)
Theo the cat:
Lustig plays tennis as well as Federer ! (1)
Theo the cat:
Easy and Lolly 's birthday
Theo the cat:
Lustig, the black cat with one white whisker
Theo the cat:
In the heat of summer
Theo the cat:
Easy and Lolly, squabblings in the garden
Theo the cat:
Easy dreams about birds