uk vintage: De Vrije Pers _ De Moordenaar was Sexy
McClaverty: McGinnis02
mketenbach: Actually I wanted to post some landscapes from Dubai, but it's simply too hot outside. 😰
mketenbach: I guess I'm not a good homosexual. I don't go to any prides, I prefer just to stay in my bed 😴
mketenbach: In Italy everybody is wearing speedos at the beach 🌴
mketenbach: Sorry for not smiling 😑
mketenbach: This goes especially to you in the U.A.E., Kuwait, Oman, etc ... Help the Syrian refugees! You can surely live with one Porsche or Louis Vuitton Bag less ... Helping others should be more important! Isn't one of the biggest mosques in Abu Dhabi? Doesn't y
Wmxdesign: Kevin McCarthy :: Obstructionist Republican Clown
Wmxdesign: Ted Cruz :: Rafael Eduardo Cruz :: El Cubano De Canadå
Wmxdesign: Chris Christie :: Thug Life
Wmxdesign: Marco Rubio (Sen R-FL):: Obstructionist Republican Clown
Wmxdesign: Laura Ingraham (R-Newscorp):: Obstructionist Republican Clown
Wmxdesign: Senator Jeff Sessions • KKK Romance
Wmxdesign: Sebastian Gorka • Trump Comrade
Wmxdesign: Steve Bannon • Trump Comrade
Wmxdesign: Michael Fynn • Trump Comrade
Wmxdesign: Lindsey Graham (Sen. R-SC):: Obstructionist Republican Clown
Wmxdesign: Newt Gingrich (Pundit R-Newscorp):: Obstructionist Republican Clown
Wmxdesign: Mitch McConnell (Sen. R-Ky):: Obstructionist Republican Clown
Wmxdesign: Dick Cheney (R- War Criminal):: Obstructionist Republican Clown
Wmxdesign: Donald Rumsfeld (R- War Criminal):: Obstructionist Republican Clown
Wmxdesign: Rupert Murdoch :: Clown Arm of the NeoFascist Right Wing Corporatocracy
Kumo Moku©: It's a clear day out
Kumo Moku©: Febbraio 2014
Kumo Moku©: Estate
mketenbach: City trips can be exhausting! Well, I better rest a minute ...
mketenbach: Cologne, March 2014
mketenbach: By the river
mketenbach: Well, you obviously didn't like my sandals yesterday ... ... What about my new towel?
mketenbach: Sitting by the window - Shanghai