TheMaxSavage: Hanging out in #EastVan #Vancouver
TheMaxSavage: #EastVan is such a beautiful place to be. #Vancouver #DTES
TheMaxSavage: The Yuppies on Union St have been warned. #dtes #vancouver
TheMaxSavage: Vancouver felt like heaven on the bike ride home from work today.
TheMaxSavage: The next attraction
TheMaxSavage: The only thing wrong with being a person who loves waking up before 6 on a weekend is that your only friends at that time are birds.
TheMaxSavage: Do not dwell in the past, do not dream of the future, concentrate the mind on the present moment. ~ Buddha
TheMaxSavage: Sometimes when people get scared, they say and do terrible things. I think you got so scared that you forgot who you are. ~ Norman Babcock
TheMaxSavage: Bridge to Deadman's Island #vancouver
TheMaxSavage: A blue heron sleeping at the rowing club #vancouver
TheMaxSavage: Everything fades to grey when the sun slips away
TheMaxSavage: Electric avenue #eastvan #vancouver
TheMaxSavage: Death makes angels of us all and gives us wings where we had shoulders smooth as ravens claws. ~ Jim Morrison
TheMaxSavage: Astoria Gardens. #eastvan #vancouver
TheMaxSavage: East Van
TheMaxSavage: The curious paradox is that when I accept myself just as I am, then I can change. ~ Carl Rogers
TheMaxSavage: After meditation, a healthy Scottish breakfast, followed by another rain dance before I finish my morning cardio 50 km bike ride dedicated to the St John.
TheMaxSavage: And that concludes our broadcast day.
TheMaxSavage: Vancouver skies are back!
TheMaxSavage: Mastering others is strength. Mastering yourself is true power. - Lao Tzu
TheMaxSavage: “Sunshine is delicious, rain is refreshing, wind braces us up, snow is exhilarating; there is really no such thing as bad weather, only different kinds of good weather. ” ― John Ruskin
TheMaxSavage: Camping with @curlj This was my view when I woke up. He dropped me off at some beach and I found a place with satellite wifi. Missing @mdeveiteo I love you ❤
TheMaxSavage: Dancing days are here again as the summer evenings grow. I got my flower, I got my power, I got a woman who knows.
TheMaxSavage: Yes it does. @zipperpig
TheMaxSavage: Two men and a dog were rowing a boat
TheMaxSavage: Met this little guy on the Seawall tonight. Thought I would share.
TheMaxSavage: Everything's going to...
TheMaxSavage: @mdeveiteo and I having fun at the Aquarium the other day.
TheMaxSavage: As a person who has never drank coffee and doesn't do very well with sugar I want to extend a huge THANKS to @vegavancouver & @vega_team for releasing their new Sugar Free Energizer. It kicked me into a Monday morning mental clarity with its green tea, Ye
TheMaxSavage: They tore the building down in front of the sugar factory. One I had taken pics of so I was sad to see it go but it did open up a nice view that I could never get before.