adactio: Celebrating the life of @CindyLi. ♥️
Dustin Diaz: WDN 08 AP
cindyli: Jack Daniels road trip to Lynchburg TN
cindyli: Me leading Jess in swing dancing
cindyli: Grand Canyon
codepo8: Yay cindy li
adactio: November 6th, 2010. I had never been so nervous about a public speaking appearance …and never so happy and proud to be asked. So much love! ❤️
cindyli: Holding my breath in a room of balloons
chasingfun: Yes. I will cut you.
Craig C.: The Hampton Breakfast Club
coleypauline: Yay! Married!
Craig C.: Transatlantic video chat from the passenger seat
mjacksonw: Reciprocindy
alexdecarvalho: jeremy keith, cindy li
Nevin Lyne: Vegas 2010
Craig C.: Animal style
jgarber: How REALLY to not eat a crab
Craig C.: Spokesmodel Cindy
spieri_sf: Helicoper-Protection-Hat // Spielzeughubschrauberkopfschutz™
marssy: Our Designer The Royal Queen of Hearts
marssy: Our Designer The Royal Queen of Hearts
spieri_sf: Team Flickr (well, the ones that were partying till the end)
spieri_sf: Cindy getting tintype'd
spieri_sf: Yay! Cindy got something...
ginader: y!design team offsite december 2011-18
ginader: y!design team offsite december 2011-19