themattharris: The transformation is almost complete...
themattharris: Barcamp Brighton 3
themattharris: Brighton
themattharris: Brighton
themattharris: Brighton
themattharris: Brighton
themattharris: Drinking Tea Stage 7: Enjoy!
themattharris: Drinking Tea Stage 6: Swish the tea lightly back and forth with a spoon
themattharris: Drinking Tea Stage 5: Add Milk (if desired)
themattharris: Drinking Tea Stage 4: Remove the strainer
themattharris: Drinking Tea Stage 3: Allow the tea to infuse a little
themattharris: Drinking Tea Stage 2: Poor the tea through the strainer
themattharris: Drinking Tea Stage 1: Gather the equipment
themattharris: Brighton
themattharris: Jeremy eats a Jellied Eel
themattharris: Brighton
themattharris: Brighton
themattharris: Richard tries the Jellied Eel
themattharris: Dr Pepper and fork
themattharris: Brighton
themattharris: Brighton
themattharris: Eating Oysters
themattharris: Oyster
themattharris: Jellied Eel
themattharris: Brighton
themattharris: Brighton