Andy 'Virgil' North: 1 Jan stone circle
Iqbal Aalam: Fireplace, Cowes by Stirling & Gowan
metroblossom: Bertrand Goldberg's Prentice Women's Hospital Demolition in Progress
seier+seier: anton sleeping in Danish architect and designer arne jacobsen's winter coat from 1943
g lloyd: Myvatn aurora
Nottingham Contemporary on Flickr: Nottingham Contemporary
NASA Goddard Photo and Video: Night View of Sochi During Olympics
ManxPhil: The Great Gathering
jsb303: York: Lendal Bridge / Tanners Moat.@ 1868.
europeanspaceagency: Jeddah’s seaport, Saudi Arabia
ModArchitecture: Jefferson Hall Conference Center
pilllpat (agence eureka): perpetchromcalendrier002
Bernard Rose: Liverpool Waterfront 25 years of change
seier+seier: michael sten johnsen, stens hus
ModArchitecture: Embassy of Kuwait
Lovely Bicycle!: Canine Cycling Companion
Lovely Bicycle!: Brompton at the Thatched Cottage
londondan: Is that you, Tower Bridge?
Iqbal Aalam: Farewell Mandela
alancookson: Lime Street - Liverpool
Iqbal Aalam: Roald Dahl's Gallery, Aylesbury Museum
Burçin YILDIRIM: Unité d'Habitation / Le Corbusier
londondan: Altering the past
rypat: on wythe at night
alancookson: Cathedral Sunrise
ModArchitecture: Kaneohe Modern
seier+seier: carlo scarpa, architect: brion tomb, san vito d'altivole cemetery, 1969-1978 (largely completed by 1972)
seier+seier: carlo scarpa, architect: brion tomb, san vito d'altivole cemetery, 1969-1978 (largely completed by 1972)