still~positive: No, it's never gonna be the same
still~positive: Needing more than๐Ÿ˜„
still~positive: Two states of emotion
still~positive: But full of gratitude
still~positive: A hut of little consequences
still~positive: The arc to resolution
still~positive: and each turn a new lesson
still~positive: Continue to move the impossible
still~positive: for what remains I have dug a hole
still~positive: Of the many versions of you to which should I look
still~positive: Of the many versions of you to which should I look
still~positive: Here there are different questions
still~positive: Didn't see it happen
still~positive: Carrying her own
still~positive: Some will build a happiness
still~positive: Should be able to move past this
still~positive: Before you say anything
still~positive: A gathering of the unrelated
still~positive: In the stillness unnoticed it has passed
still~positive: A physical impact
still~positive: May the dawn find you at peace
still~positive: Earth has shifted
still~positive: all brightness internal
still~positive: what chance to be made of this
still~positive: Dream catcher
still~positive: it could be everything
still~positive: event horizon
still~positive: a strangeness to that thought
still~positive: what of legend
still~positive: sacrifices told to others