Shane Guymon: Tagged!
Shane Guymon: Tagged!
Shane Guymon: Tagged!
Shane Guymon: Tagged!
Shane Guymon: Tagged! Here's the group that went to the cemetery after the funeral for my Mom.
Shane Guymon: Tagged! Caroline's teaching me about Battle Cats on her iPad.
Shane Guymon: Tagged! Really enjoyed spending time with my sister Kelly. I don't get to see her very often.
Shane Guymon: Tagged! Family ❤️
Shane Guymon: Tagged!
Shane Guymon: Tagged!
Shane Guymon: Tagged! My friend Bucky flew to San Antonio from Utah to be here with me for the funeral. Love this dude.
Shane Guymon: Tagged! Love me some Alamo Cafe.
Shane Guymon: Tagged! Rolling in the backseat from Ft. Worth to San Antonio.
Shane Guymon: Tagged! Waiting to board my plane to go see my Mom.
Shane Guymon: Tagged! Driving into the sunset on my way to St. George on Friday night.
Shane Guymon: Tagged! So happy to be back with the little humans. Walking through the door to these kids being excited to see me and running to give me hugs is the best feeling in the world.
Shane Guymon: Tagged! Winter is coming... Or maybe it's here.
Shane Guymon: Tagged! Just playing around with portrait mode on my iPhone Tenr.
Shane Guymon: Tagged! Love these knuckleheads.
Shane Guymon: Tagged! The front facing camera can handle portrait mode quite impressively.
Shane Guymon: Tagged! Caroline wanted to ride with me to get Wendy’s for dinner, but she wanted to ride in my red car. So I had to move her car seat from the van to my car. It was worth it though.
Shane Guymon: Tagged! Me and my man Connor. This was after he said, "I was just trying to chase Finn but he kept being a prankster gangster and making me fall."
Shane Guymon: Tagged!
Shane Guymon: Tagged! This is what my face looks like. You’re welcome.
Shane Guymon: Tagged! Driving these two to their first day of school.
Shane Guymon: Tagged!
Shane Guymon: Tagged!
Shane Guymon: Tagged!
Shane Guymon: Tagged!
Shane Guymon: Tagged!