The Guide to Gay Gardening: Very pretty and all, but no idea why this white daff decided on something different this year
The Guide to Gay Gardening: Wonderful little ladybird from today
The Guide to Gay Gardening: Friendly toadlet at the allotment
The Guide to Gay Gardening: My first daff's have appeared! #spring
The Guide to Gay Gardening: Someone's enjoying the winter sun
The Guide to Gay Gardening: Spring is coming...
The Guide to Gay Gardening: Plants r taking over my life, now they're even in my fridge!
The Guide to Gay Gardening: Glad to see that Sainsbury's is highlighting their sustainable route
The Guide to Gay Gardening: The fish have survived the pond freeze!
The Guide to Gay Gardening: Gardening with the girls
The Guide to Gay Gardening: Snow melts, and spring is revealed
The Guide to Gay Gardening: Beautiful irises
The Guide to Gay Gardening: Unfurling Hellebore amongst the snow
The Guide to Gay Gardening: A snowy London night
The Guide to Gay Gardening: 52 Week Salad Challenge here I come
The Guide to Gay Gardening: Hellebores nearly here
The Guide to Gay Gardening: Crocus already coming up :)
The Guide to Gay Gardening: 2012 has officially started for me!
The Guide to Gay Gardening: New Year's resolution to lose weight? This is the first time ive seen her off ground level in years!
The Guide to Gay Gardening: Just noticed alliums in front garden coming up....I haven't even planted these Christmas pressies yet!!
The Guide to Gay Gardening: Attack of the rose bush!
The Guide to Gay Gardening: Something's been a-gnawing!
The Guide to Gay Gardening: Who needs baubles when you've got apples
The Guide to Gay Gardening: Scabious still budding in mid-Nov!
The Guide to Gay Gardening: Rudbekia clings to petals like a tattered butterfly
The Guide to Gay Gardening: Girls r still a-laying
The Guide to Gay Gardening: I may hate the stuff, but Borridge is still feeding the bees