grouchiosa: Have a shitload of stuff to do to close the month (and year! OMG only a few weeks left!) so ordered lunch and ate at my desk. There was a new option - The Noodle House - and ordered dan dan noodles aaaaaaaand SALTED EGG CUSTARD BUN!!!! Sooooo good. But at
grouchiosa: Thanks for the laugh @pumpkindma 😂
grouchiosa: Keeping my left foot warm while I read. Just a few seconds later, she moved up to stretch out on my lap. We're just two lazy homebodies, eh Puglet?
grouchiosa: It won't win in the looks department but amaigad... it was sedap. Crumbly, almond-ny and figgy. The quarter cup of amaretto sure didn't hurt.
grouchiosa: Brain: let's bring the laptop home to continue working because there's a bunch of stuff due this week. *gets home, eats dinner. Time to start working* Heart/tummy: ooohh... let's make cake instead! #procrastinationlevelexpert
grouchiosa: I usually don't eat chocolate like popcorn but I can't stop eating the ones @steph_handoyo brought me. Besides being delicious, I must be more nervous about Wednesday's presentation than I thought I already was. Silver lining? I haven't totally freaked ou
grouchiosa: The gorgeous sink at Coya. I usually like simple and sturdy square porcelain farmhouse style sinks but this one was a beauty.
grouchiosa: Saw this cool cat of a car when I was out this morning.
grouchiosa: Was feeling a bit blah last night and wanted something homey, warm and comforting. Remembered a @nytfood recipe for Thai jok or rice porridge and made that using leftovers from a fried chicken dinner and wilting vegetables. It was 10 minutes tops prep tim
grouchiosa: Breaking in the new waffle iron! Waffles for dessert tonight and breakfast. After a rather blah day, right here right now, I am totally winning at life.
grouchiosa: Kimchi udon for dinner from a @bonappetitmag recipe @kbrett37 shared with me. It doesn't look nearly as good as the one on the BA website (noodles were too hot when I added the egg yolk and the baby spinach is a vague attempt at eating more vegetables), b
grouchiosa: After many years lusting after cast iron waffle irons, finally got myself one last night. It was perfect: not too big or expensive, with deep pockets - better to catch syrup and ice cream. Got home too late last night to make waffle batter but tonight - w
grouchiosa: After a night of bad life decisions, I'm hoping this salmon, kale and quinoa salad (with 2L of coconut water) will make me human again. #miserableandgrumpy
grouchiosa: Pops sent a photo of Galung romping around and trying to pounce on his feet. Too much cuteness. Cannot tahan. #puppiesareawesome
grouchiosa: The folks have a new puppy! Dad named her Ganggalung - Galung for short. Apparently it means 'collar' in Kadazan. She's such a cute, scrappy little thing. Can't wait to see her during Xmas vacation.
grouchiosa: Forgot to post this from 2 weeks ago. Looks who's excited at getting a new toy.
grouchiosa: Pug is giving me attitude 😒. Work hard all day and I come home to this!
grouchiosa: Came to the mall with the plan of doing groceries and a restorative meal of a burger and coke at Shake Shack. Somehow ended up at Eataly instead for pasta. A few gulps of the minted lemonade and a bite of bread dipped into excellent olive oil and balsamic
grouchiosa: Pug has hijacked my lap for her nap.
grouchiosa: Flipping through the menu at Farzi Cafe, there were a few pages that made me laugh. Last post before I take a nap to celebrate a good lunch and the unpacking of my very last box.
grouchiosa: I rarely dislike my own cooking no matter how mediocre. There's almost always something you can do to save the taste of a dish. Today however, I admit utter defeat. Cooked lamb kidney for the first time and despite the off-putting smell, bravely tried a b
grouchiosa: It used to be that I only got Ben & Jerry's when I went to do my groceries at Bangsar Village. And even then, it wasn't always sure that there'd be any. Imagine my glee and horror when I found that the little shop downstairs in my building carries not onl
grouchiosa: But by bit, settling into my new home. Made soup today, improvising Patricia Wells' recipe for Provençal white wine beef daube. Didn't use the 2 bottles of white wine the recipe called for, only a cup or so - I only had Cloudy Bay Chardonnay, and that's f
grouchiosa: This weekend I'm gonna stay in and eat all these goodies YW brought back from Bandung for me. Oh joy!!! #hermitgoals
grouchiosa: Ignore the horrible photo (YW says I either look gangsta or acim acim, whatever that means), rejoice in the fact I can legally buy and consume alcohol! REJOICE!! 💃💃💃
grouchiosa: Carrefour at Mall of the Emirates has indomie cabai ijo!!! Will have to check if it tastes the same though.
grouchiosa: Didn't shop while I was in London except meds from Boots and this cute keychain from the British Museum. Dubai apartment and mailbox key now joins the Lewis Chessman piece, the Dunstable Swan and the Sutton Hoo helmet.
grouchiosa: Monkey face. Almost missed her delivery from the kennel this morning. Somehow my phone completely switched off last night and the alarm didn't ring. Didn't help that I was up for most of it dealing with a bad bout of IBS. And since my bedroom has blackout
grouchiosa: My first rain since I left KL in August! Yeay!
grouchiosa: Team building! At a ping pong bar