WebJunction: Rural Forum Preconference 127
poesygalore: Pretty pretty pretty please
WebJunction: Brian and Stephanie
TechSoup for Libraries: Stephanie Gerding and Brenda Hough
TechSoup for Libraries: Montana libraries collaboratively drew this smiley Cookbook reader
WebJunction: ala08 033
TechSoup for Libraries: dinner at Disney!
TechSoup for Libraries: WebJunction reception: Kendra Morgan and Maddie
TechSoup for Libraries: WebJunction reception: Maddie, Bradley Ward, and Stephanie Gerding (hand talker)
TechSoup for Libraries: WebJunction reception: Brenda Hough, Kendra Morgan, and Maddie
WebJunction: IMG_5980
WebJunction: IMG_6014
WebJunction: ala08 028
WebJunction: ala08 013
WebJunction: ala08 016
WebJunction: Stephanie signing books
lib_rachel: Thank you, Vanna!
WebJunction: Jennifer posting the home page photo.
libraryman: Stephanie Gerding Signing My Book
libraryman: Three All Star Libraryland Authors
Ranger Jeanne: Coming into Brooks Camp