Kent DuFault: Whale Feeding Maine
perspicaciousphoto: Hello There!
Kent DuFault: The Expectant Cat
tersha53: amelanchier blossom
chris_pook: Emily
Tanmay's Gallery: Happy New Year
Kent DuFault: Sunrise through Hanging Chicken Wire
Rob Eyers: Heimskautsgerðið - Arctic Henge - Iceland
chris_pook: DSCF3144-Pano
tersha53: backlit gerbera
Kent DuFault: When Zombies Chill Out
tersha53: split tone forest
Rob Eyers: Playa Carrillo, Costa Rica
Kent DuFault: When the long cold winter is just getting started.
perspicaciousphoto: Sunflower and Bee
Kent DuFault: Come. Sit.
Elin Laxdal: Arctic terns in fight
livingsta: Streets of Ho Chi Minh City
tersha53: folded fern
tersha53: just chillin'
Kent DuFault: Yes. I made new friends in Korea.
tersha53: sunshine in the valley
tersha53: stuck
tersha53: snowy and windy
perspicaciousphoto: Nicola Lake, B.C.