foxman350: On the beach
foxman350: Fish Ladder, Indian River, Sitka AK
foxman350: I see a face, do you?
foxman350: Silver Bay, as seen from 2500 Feet
foxman350: Your Next!
foxman350: Flowing softly
foxman350: After the rain.
foxman350: Explosion of water
foxman350: Raging Waterfall
foxman350: Waterfall Long exposure
foxman350: Water so fresh its blue!
foxman350: Colored Rock Waterfall
foxman350: Blue Lake Road Waterfall
foxman350: Merging Streams
foxman350: Changing Colors
foxman350: Water Log
foxman350: Sunset tonight Long Exposure
foxman350: Tiny waterfall
foxman350: Flowing Stream
foxman350: Beautiful Sunset!
foxman350: Red sky at night, a sailor's delight!
foxman350: Red sky at night, a sailor's delight!
foxman350: Red sky at night, a sailor's delight!
foxman350: Sunburst!
foxman350: Silky smooth!
foxman350: Hey there, ya big sexy!
foxman350: Sunset tonight
foxman350: Frothy Waterfall
foxman350: The Boat goes trolling by!
foxman350: Mom told me to never stare into the sun, Glad I did.