CeePeeParlee: Some child with a confusing costume
CeePeeParlee: Terry the 'fancy' pirate vampire
CeePeeParlee: Terry again
CeePeeParlee: Kids waiting anxiously to see the haunted house
CeePeeParlee: Nick the spaz and Jake the big mouth
CeePeeParlee: Terry lurking around the children
CeePeeParlee: Jamie the angel mouse (my partner)
CeePeeParlee: Terry regailing the children with the infamous Pohang witch hunt
CeePeeParlee: Regan (named after Regan Brunette)
CeePeeParlee: Coworkers Lisa and Rachel (note how their costumes make sense)
CeePeeParlee: Julia and Michelle (they never stop talking, Julia has a smokers voice)
CeePeeParlee: Christina (whos smart but never shuts up), Ella and Christy (who im certain will play softball and drink coors if ya catch my drift)
CeePeeParlee: Midget Mouse
CeePeeParlee: Bug with an axe
CeePeeParlee: Turns out this was a line up
CeePeeParlee: Shes honestly up to my knees
CeePeeParlee: Mark (formerly known as Condo)
CeePeeParlee: Shannon
CeePeeParlee: Great pose