The Experimental Gourmand: Pig Island 2014 signage
The Experimental Gourmand: View of Red Hook
The Experimental Gourmand: A mock table at Pig Island
The Experimental Gourmand: Wusthof - a sponsor of the event
The Experimental Gourmand: Pig Butchery demo - making a cut
The Experimental Gourmand: Pig Butchery demo - cutting into the pig
The Experimental Gourmand: Pig Butchery demo - looking at the leg
The Experimental Gourmand: Wolffer - beverage table
The Experimental Gourmand: Waterfront Ale House - serving head cheese
The Experimental Gourmand: Waterfront Ale House - menu sign
The Experimental Gourmand: Waterfront Ale House - loaves of head cheese
The Experimental Gourmand: Waterfront Ale House - Plate of Head Cheese
The Experimental Gourmand: Waterfront Ale House - Head Cheese
The Experimental Gourmand: Union Street Star Theater playing
The Experimental Gourmand: The Red Hook Star-Revue - signage
The Experimental Gourmand: The Good Fork - signage
The Experimental Gourmand: The Good Fork - pig wrapped up mer-style
The Experimental Gourmand: The Good Fork - slicing up pig
The Experimental Gourmand: The Good Fork - prepping mer-wraps
The Experimental Gourmand: The Good Fork - Mer-Pig 2014
The Experimental Gourmand: The Carnivore's Manifesto
The Experimental Gourmand: The Brooklyn Press - sign
The Experimental Gourmand: The Brooklyn Press - making Pig Island t-shirts
The Experimental Gourmand: Tavern on the Green - prepping plates
The Experimental Gourmand: Tavern on the Green - saucing plates
The Experimental Gourmand: Tavern on the Green - Mango Sticky Rice with Smoked Ham
The Experimental Gourmand: Tavern on the Green - Lettuce Wrap with Roast Pork Loin
The Experimental Gourmand: Tavern on the Green - Chef Adam Shepard fixing servings of noodles
The Experimental Gourmand: Tavern on the Green - Ramen Noodles with Peaches and Bacon