Alison J Cowan: alpha and omega
Gilly B2011: Waiting
Gilly B2011: Snowy Owl
Diko G.W.: Manderin 2
Alison J Cowan: St Monans church
Alison J Cowan: Darkness
sonyboy2: Autumnal swirl!
jemonbe: Española carablanca
Diko G.W.: Kestrel
Gilly B2011: Time to Preen - Explore - Many Thanks To Everyone
Diko G.W.: Sparrow Hawk j
Sniper!: Huppe ...
maz0606: mr fluffy
zenboy: Purple
Jefflor8: Chaffinch : Male (Fringilla coelebs)
jntmtthws: lapwing
Charli52; Gracias > 8.000.000 de visitas; thanks: Acantilados (Ver en grande L+F11)
Betty Vlasiu: Snowy Egret
JPHoesch: Celebration Florida
billsbirding: Bearded tit
Jim Burns.: "American Goldfinch"
shrikehunter: Male northern cardinal
Tim Birds: Mandarin Duck Swithland Res 14-1-13
D. Walsh: Creek