Doug Price.:
Doug Price.:
Small Garden Spider
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Owl Butterfly
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Great Eggfly Butterfly
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Tree Nymph Butterfly
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Orange Butterfly 2
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Tree Nymph Butterfly 2
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Tree Nymph Butterfly 3
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Tree Nymph Butterfly 4
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Orange Butterfly
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Two pairs of 'Common Blue' Damselflies (Enallagma cyathigerum) mating on lily pads
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Large Red Damsel Fly (Pyrrhosoma nymphula) on Water Lily
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Speckled Wood butterfly
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Insect - Ichneumon Wasp
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Painted Lady Butterfly on Blue Flowers
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Fly (front end)
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Bee on Chives Flower
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Small Tortoiseshell Butterfly
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Peacock Butterfly
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Small Moth with folded wings
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Small Crane Fly
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Green Caterpillar
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Garden Spider (underside)
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Ringlet Butterfly
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Six-Spot Burnet
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Fritillary Butterfly
Doug Price.:
Skipper Butterfly