Andrew Huff: melting candles
amdurso: Imantodes lentiferus (Amazon basin tree snake)
pickledpunk: Pickled Punk Pinky
mister fez: Blue Glaucus
reurinkjan: Tibet བོདon the Tibetan Plateau བོད་མཐོ་སྒང
rinaflies: Eurypterid
afx_triplet: The Phoenix Earthship
juicyyumburger: earthship tub
The Year of Mud: ccc-lindahouse-living
The Year of Mud: ccc-myrtle-in
The Year of Mud: gobcobatron panorama
The Year of Mud: Gobcobatron: Cob House
knockonwood33: cedar burl
knockonwood33: merrill led beater shots 060
knockonwood33: merrill led beater shots 041
michele_rodda: serra tropicale dell'orto botanico di torino
brian.gratwicke: White's Tree Frog
brian.gratwicke: Blue Poison Dart Frog
brian.gratwicke: White's Tree Frog
brian.gratwicke: Smoothsided toad
Steamboataerials: P1410314.jpg
MissMarnie: BP_reshoot.jpg
povorot: Alien Anatomy
povorot: fastest-tentacle-in-the-west
Toad64: Hiratuka
John Oberlin: gourd hanging pot