Bob Hawley: Pit Viper and Pine Cones 2
Bob Hawley: Red Bamboo on Rocks
Bob Hawley: Burrowing Snake
Bob Hawley: Formosan Grass Lizard
cowyeow: King Cobra (Ophiophagus hannah)
Bob Hawley: Sleeping Sauter's Grass Lizard 3
Bob Hawley: Mountain Pitviper 1
Kurt ( Trimeresurus hageni IMG_8120 copy
L.D Alsbach: Four-toed Salamander - Hemidactylium scutatum
Bingo阿斌仔: 白肋孤挺花 Amaryllis.
alexwhite21: Elanus caeruleus
Bob Hawley: Tardy Hill, Late Crops
Rener69: snowy fence
cowyeow: Sharp-nosed Viper (Deinagkistrodon acutus)
赫氏角鷹 Mountain Hawk Eagle: 15785125841_2560644822_o
Rener69: crabby butt! HBBBT!
Bob Hawley: Cobra Considering Whether to Come Out of a Drain or Not
Bob Hawley: Red Bamboo Rat Snake 8
Rener69: pine sawfly larva
kkchome: Ophiophagus hannah [King Cobra] 眼鏡王蛇
Fredrik Tegnér: Spilotes pullatus
Rener69: butterfly butt
Kurt ( Dendrelaphis collection
Kurt ( Lesina sp. IMG_3109 copy
Pai Shih: Grand Canyon
Bob Hawley: White-Faced Flying Squirrel From the Front
kesiou: Model: Ttisha