José Luis Cosme Giral: Lovely song.... Pamplona.
heraldeixample: Wonderful Tuesdays Clouds..--..Feliz Martes de nubes..--..Bon Dimarts de Núvols..--... Meravigliosa nuvola del martedì
José Luis Cosme Giral: Shadows.... Madrid
strongshih0920: DSC_8444
ha*voc: **
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grexsys: Yellow Chair
Jim Frazier: Fifi II
Tuomas Barenthin: I__/\. ]=I//.[[_
tahewitt: untitled
Levi Wedel: 00470
Levi Wedel: 00399
gsvoow: Natasha Fenghuang
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grexsys: She bit the Apple
LowerDarnley: Steam #2
grexsys: Swim in the Dark Abyss
José Luis Cosme Giral: I'll be back soon. L´Ametlla.
Thomas Hawk: A Different Version of San Francisco
ha*voc: **