typographyshop: The Eisner American Museum of Advertising and Design
typographyshop: Walnut Building
~dgies: Butthurt Gardens
MikeWas: Smokin'
Graham Ballantyne: merlin mann
Phil Gyford: Tom's tiny ice cream
mathowie: Finn in the bank vault
luv to travel: I'll only be 41 for a few more day!!!
anildash: Guero's, March 10 2002
TagDragon: Brad by the Meramec River
TagDragon: Mike & Tagert
TagDragon: Brad post breakfast
chrisfreeland2002: Brad, having his afterbreakfast nap
chrisfreeland2002: Tagert & Brad
chrisfreeland2002: Chris, Tagert, Brad, Mikey
chrisfreeland2002: Mikey, Chris, Tagert, Brad, Me
chrisfreeland2002: Brad, Tagert, Chris, Mikey
chrisfreeland2002: Chris Cozzoni
jkottke: Minna Kottke
Chromewavesdotorg: Lazy Shiba Inu Saturday
chrisfreeland2002: Larry, Defying Gravity. Brad, holding the light
wcm777: Cloud Gate ~Explore~
chrisfreeland2002: Even stray kitty got some food
Ape Lad: Laugh-Out-Loud Cats #1220
TagDragon: Defying Gravity # 250
TagDragon: Defying Gravity # 250
TagDragon: Defying Gravity # 250
TagDragon: Defying Gravity # 250
TagDragon: Defying Gravity # 250